Amsted Rail certifies Gemco Rail to recondition Brenco Bearings in Australia


At AusRAIL PLUS 2017, Gemco Rail and Amsted Rail announced the execution of a Strategic Partnership Agreement for the distribution of Amsted Rail products to  Australia and New Zealand.

Following training in quality, reconditioning procedures and production management, the Gemco Rail Perth facility was granted a reconditioning certificate from Brenco/Amsted Rail. Effective immediately, Gemco Rail is certified to recondition Brenco bearings. As a certified reconditioner, technical support, product documentation, periodic bearing training, and access to OEM approved bearing components will be provided. In addition, Gemco Rail will be subject to annual Brenco bearing reconditioning process audits, conducted by the OEM.

The Amsted Rail booth at AusRAIL PLUS 2017


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